Sunday, 24 March 2013

“Understanding is the first step to acceptance, and only with acceptance can there be recovery.”
J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

Well I have definitely accepted my cancer and now that I am in remission all I have to do is my quarterly check-up. This time it will be a CT scan and I have made my appointment with the radiographer and have some “lovely” radioactive liquorish stuff to drink. I can only call it stuff because it is the most awful liquid. They have tried to make it taste better with liquorish, and although I love liquorish, not this stuff. However, it is one of those things that need to be done so I will just have to grin a bear it.

As with my last test, I am quite anxious as anyone would be, so keeping in mind all the positive things that have happened to me so far, I know it’s going to be fine.

On Thursday I will be starting another new chapter with my health. Because of the radiation, my teeth are now crumbling and falling apart. My dentist has said that we cannot save them anymore. They are too degraded, so out they must come. I still cannot get my head around the fact that I am going to be toothless!!! The image always comes to mind of a little old granny going to bed and putting her teeth into a glass filled with water which is standing on the night stand next to her bed. That image makes me laugh. Craig, my hubby, who has been my knight in shining armour, said that we have gone through so much so far, what are a few teeth? At least now I am eventually going to get that Hollywood smile that I have always wanted with pearly whites.

My lymphedema is also getting better. Once a week I go to physio and wear my compression bandage all the time, day and night. My left arm is now not so huge and not many people notice the difference as the compression sleeve is the same colour as my skin so it’s not very obvious.

My business has started of very slowly but I am not giving up and will continue to push wherever I can. If you have been reading my blog and would like to help, please have a look at my website: .

Well, ciao for now. Will blog again soon.