Tuesday, 8 January 2013

To succeed…

You need to find something to hold on to, something to motivate you, something to inspire you.

Tony Dorsett


The last company I worked for, an international FMCG company, unfortunately had to retrench me due to a major reshuffle within the organisation. I had a wonderful time with this organisation and was given opportunities to travel internationally and set up training modules which not every PA gets to do. I reported to a fantastic female director whom I hold in very high regard. She was and still is my role model and I am lucky enough to get to know her on a more personal level.  Unfortunately she became ill last year and is slowly but surely getting back onto her feet. Many times we have compared notes and find that our lives are travelling very much on a parallel. We have both been through a tough 12 months, both “jobless” and starting something new.  She is a major inspiration to me – never to let anything get her down, just tackles the issues head on and gets on with the job. Thank you Fay.

When I was notified that the retrenchment was imminent, Craig and I sat down to discuss “what next”. I’m not a sit at home and wait for something to happen type of girl and Craig knows this.  We looked at many options and it came down to two. One was buying into a franchise where I would be working 7 days a week from 06:00 to 18:00 or the other becoming a Virtual Assistant working from home and setting my own times. I remembered a couple of years back my boss at the time was telling me all out virtual offices and how work will be done differently in the future. I thought that this would be many years away before it actually happened. Well, was I wrong. It’s been here for the last 10+ years.

Now I am embarking on this new venture. I found my first paying job within 1 day of searching the net. It’s not paying much but it’s a start. I am busy developing my logo, getting the company registered – which is a major pain dealing with a government department (say no more) and my website is also in the process of being built. As soon as it’s up and running I’ll attach the link for you to have a look.

I’m looking forward to all the new people and things I will be exposed to in 2013. I just know it’s going to be my year.

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